2021-03-31 00:36
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succs d’estime 只遭受行家的赏识
a "success of esteem" [critical success], sometimes used pejoratively
Systme D摆脱的妙计
resourcefulness, or ability to work around the system; from dbrouillard, one with the knack of making do. A typical phrase using this concept would translate directly to "Thanks to System D, I managed to fix this cupboard without the missing part."
tableau 教室黑板,公告栏
chalkboard. The meaning is broader in French : all type of board (chalkboard, whiteboard, notice board...). Refers also to a painting (see tableau vivant, below) or a table (chart).
tableau vivant 由美女尸体饰演的静态数据界面
literally "living picture", the term describes a striking group of suitably costumed actors or artist's models, carefully posed and often theatrically lit.
tant mieux 太好了
so much the better.
tant pis 算了,活该,不幸
"too bad," "oh well, that's tough".
tte--tte 独立会面,密探
"head to head"; an intimate get-together or private conversation between two people.
toilette 洗手间
the process of dressing or grooming. Also refers in French, when plural ("les toilettes"), to the toilet room.
tour de force 重活;壮举
"feat of strength" : a masterly or brilliant stroke, creation, effect, or accomplishment.
tout de suite 马上
lit. everything (else) follows; "at once", "immediately" (per Oxford English Dictionary).
trs beau 十分美
very beautiful
上一篇: 德语小说阅读:秘密花园(15)