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Kaspar Hauser: a beggar and a nobleman
卡斯帕·豪泽: 乞讨者与皇室
Just as margraves and master builders from the baroque era have left their mark on Ansbach, so too has one of the most enigmatic figures of recent history: Kaspar Hauser. In 1828 he appeared in Nuremberg begging in rags and tatters – yet by the time he was stabbed and killed in the court gardens of Ansbach in 1833, he had shown himself to be a young nobleman, cultured, urbane and with a thirst for knowledge. Despite intense speculation, his identity is still unknown to this day. The town honours his memory with a fine statue and a memorial stone at the site of his murder. You can also learn more about him by visiting a new special section at the Margrave Museum or his grave, which bears the dedication "riddle of his time, his birth was unknown, his death mysterious". Ansbach has hosted the biennial Kaspar Hauser festival since 1998, but the whole town is a lovely place to visit all year round and has plenty of surprises in store for visitors.
与边境伯爵官网和巴洛克风格建筑设计师一样,一位神密的年青历史名人也在安斯巴赫留有了印痕: 卡斯帕·豪泽 (Kaspar Hauser)。 1828 年,他破衣烂衫地出現在纽伦堡 (Nrnberg)。但 1833 年在安斯巴赫皇宫花园中被扎伤时,豪泽宛然已经是一位年青的皇室,他文明行为雅致、好奇心强而且文质彬彬。 虽然各不相同,但有关他的真实真实身份,迄今仍是一个不解之谜。 大家为他修建了一座极具造型艺术功底的纪念塑像以表对这名杰出神秘人的尊敬,而竖起在他遇袭地的纪念碑、边境伯爵官网历史博物馆 (Markgrafenmuseum) 中为其设计方案的新单独展示区,及其他的公墓,莫不突显着群众对他的认同。他的碑文上写着“时期谜团,家世不明,身亡状况变幻莫测。 除此之外,自 1998 年起,安斯巴赫每2年还会继续举行一次卡斯帕·豪泽节 (Kaspar-Hauser-Festspiele)。 事实上这这座城市便是一场感观盛会,全年无休并填满意外惊喜。
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