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摘要: 法语中的英语词汇(6)

ballet 芭蕾舞

a classical type of dance

beau geste 雅致的姿势;佯装大气

literally "beautiful gesture"; gracious gesture; also, a gesture noble in form but meaningless in substance. in French : a selfless/generous/fair-play act.

Beaux-Arts 工艺美术,造型艺术(包含美术绘画、雕塑作品、工程建筑、歌曲、民族舞蹈、木版画等)

monumental architectural style of the early 20th century made famous by the Académie des Beaux-Arts

beaucoup 许多,很多

plenty, lots of, much; merci beaucoup: thanks a lot; misused in slang, for example "beaucoup money" (French would add the preposition de : "beaucoup d'argent"), especially in New Orleans, LA. Occasionally corrupted to Bookoo, typically in the context of French influenced by Vietnamese culture.

bel esprit (pl. beaux esprits) 才俊, 博学多才的人

literally "fine mind"; a cultivated, highly intelligent person

belle 美女,美人

a beautiful woman or girl. Common uses of this word are in the phrases the belle of the ball (the most beautiful woman or girl present at a function) and southern belle (a beautiful woman from the southern states of the US)

Belle Époque 漂亮时期

a period in European social history that began during the late 19th century and lasted until World War I.

belles-lettres 严肃文学

literally "fine letters"; literature regarded for its aesthetic value rather than its didactic or informative content; also, light, stylish writings, usually on literary or intellectual subjects

bien fait ! 干得好!做得非常好!

literally "well done"; used to express schadenfreude when someone is well-deservedly punished

bien pensant 善于思考

literally "well thinking"; right thinking, orthodox. Commonly implies willful blindness to dangers or suffering faced by others. The noun form bien-pensance is rarely seen in English.

blasé 疲倦不堪的,厌烦的

unimpressed with something because of over-familiarity, jaded.

Bleu celeste 浅蓝色

literally "sky blue", is a rarely-occurring tincture in heraldry (not being one of the seven main colours or metals or the three "staynard colours").

bon appétit 祝你食欲好,祝你就餐开心

literally "good appetite"; enjoy your meal

bon mot 警语,妙语

well-chosen word(s), particularly a witty remark

bon vivant 奢靡之风者,享有舒服生活的人

one who enjoys the good life, an epicurean

bon voyage 祝你旅行愉快

literally "good journey"; have a good trip!

bonjour 您好(早晨或中午应用的问侯)

"good day", a standard greeting in the morning or afternoon

bonne chance 祝你好运气

"good luck" (as in, 'I wish you good luck')

les boules 厌倦

(vulgar) literally "the balls"; meaning that whatever you are talking about is dreadful

bourgeois 中产阶层分子结构,生意人,无产阶级

member of the bourgeoisie. The word used to refer to shopkeepers living in towns in the Middle Ages. Now the term is derogatory, and it applies to a person whose beliefs, attitudes, and practices are conventionally middle-class.

bric-à-brac (乱堆的)旧货回收,破烂货,乱七八糟的一堆破旧

small ornamental objects, less valuable than antiques; a collection of old furniture, china, plate and curiosities. Cf. de bric et de broc, corresponding to our "by hook or by crook", and brack, refuse.

brioche 鲜奶油鸡蛋卷

a sweet yeast bun, kind of a crossover between a popover and a light muffin; French also use the term as slang for 'potbelly', because of the overhang effect.


brunette 棕色头发的女子

a brown-haired girl. For brown-haired man, French uses brun and for a woman brune. "Brunette" is rarely used in French, unless in old literature, and its masculine form, "brunet" (for a boy), is almost unheard of.


bureau (pl. bureaux) 公司办公室

office. Also means "desk" in French.


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