2020-10-20 00:08
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diablerie 法术
witchcraft, deviltry, or, more figuratively, "wickedness"
divertissement 游戏娱乐,休闲娱乐
an amusing diversion; entertainment
dossier 材料,原材料
a file containing detailed information about a person; it has a much wider meaning in modern French, as any type of file, or even a computer directory
douceur de vivre 生活的甜美
"sweetness of life"
doyen 领袖,老前辈
the senior member of a group; the feminine is doyenne
droit du seigneur 初夜权
"right of the lord" : the purported right of a lord in feudal times to take the virginity of one of his vassals' brides on her wedding night (in precedence to her new husband). The actual French term for this hypothetical custom is droit de cuissage (from cuisse 'thigh').
eau de toilette淡香水
perfume; can be shortened as eau (water); literally "grooming water." Usually refers to a product which is less expensive, because it has less aromatic compounds, and is thus used more for everyday purposes
a card game
chapp 一种脚尖点地的民族舞蹈
dance movement foot position
clat 荣誉,光辉
Great brilliance, as of performance or achievement. Conspicuous success. Great acclamation or applause
上一篇: 委内瑞拉隆重纪念查韦斯逝世两周年
下一篇: 法语阅读:《圣经旧约》创世纪49