
意大利语考试时间、查分时间 免费短信通知
1.Swiss Guard瑞士卫队
They may dress like colourful jesters, but Swiss Guards are actually described by the Vatican as "warriors" and "defenders of the Church's freedom". They flocked to Rome to protect the Catholic Church from foreign fighters in the early 16th century and have stayed at the Vatican's gate ever since.
It takes years of training on Venice's famous canals to gain the prestigious title of Gondolier - for many a trade passed through generations. When not guiding tourists through the waterways, an essential part of the job appears to be posing for photographs in a stripy shirt and straw hat.
威尼斯的船夫可不是所有人都可以做的,需要通过长时间的训练、达到一定标准才能得到 “Gondolier ”这个头衔。
对于Gondolier 来说,除了带着客人划着贡多拉穿越威尼斯的大街小巷,穿着条纹衫、戴着可爱的草帽供游客拍照也是他们工作的重要内容。
3.Cheese Whisperer帕玛森芝士听众
Testing the quality of Italy's Parmigiano-Reggiano takes more than just taste buds. In order to ensure the cheese has the correct form and structure, people have been trained to tap each wheel and know just by the sound whether it is up to standard.
4.Modena Balsamic Vinegar Taster摩德纳香醋品尝师
Bottles of balsamic vinegar that gain the official Modena seal can cost hundreds of euros, making the approval process a fine art. A panel of five tasters goes through rigorous training to judge each bottle against a strict point system, before a producer can be welcomed into the prestigious club.
5.Olive Oil Police橄榄油警察
As part of the government's efforts to combat counterfeit olive oil, a police force has been trained up to sniff out low-quality foreign oil that has been branded Italian extra-virgin. With just a taste these police officers can tell whether the olives have come from abroad, or if other types of oil have been blended into the mix.
6.Roman Soldier-Model罗马士兵模特
It takes little more than a red-and-gold outfit, a smile and a charming way with tourists to launch a career as a Roman Centurion in modern-day Italy. Whereas centuries ago such Romans had to be ready for the battlefield or a clash at the Colosseum, fitness is not a requirement nowadays and smoking on the job is perfectly acceptable.
7.DOCG Recipe WriterDOCG配方作家
Italy's quality-assurance label, DOCG, is stamped on wines and foods which adhere to stringent specifications. For each product an official must draw up a recipe - a list of ingredients or a particular production process - which must be followed to the letter.
DOCG (Denominazionedi Origine Controllata Garantita),意大利葡萄酒等级中*的一级。必须在特定的产区,符合规定的生产标准产出的葡萄酒才能冠上DOCG。
对于每一件产品,官方都得编制一份必须遵循的配方,详细记录原料清单或者特殊生产过程,进行此项工作的人员就是DOCG Recipe Writer
8.Latin Translator拉丁语翻译
While Latin scholars work the world ever, nowhere is the task more important than at the Vatican. Daily life plays out in this dead language, essential for everything from flicking through the Vatican archive catalogue to reading the pope's tweets. At no point in modern times has the role of Latin Translator been so important as when Pope Benedict XVI resigned in 2013; the news was announced in Latin and the scoop was won by the only journalist fluent in the language.
9.Anti-mafia Prosecutor反黑手党检察官
Being an organized crime prosecutor is one thing; being an anti-mafia prosecutor in Italy is quite another. They may gain the admiration of the masses, but they face great risks in doing so and often live their lives with permanent police protection. Their enemies are some of the world's most powerful criminals and many have been killed for simply doing their job.
作为一个有组织的犯罪检察官是一回事; 在黑手党的祖国意大利担任反黑手党检察官又是另一回事了。
10.Renaissance Flag Thrower文艺复兴时期的旗帜投掷者
In 21st-century Florence, a troupe of flag-throwers frequently march through the city and dazzle locals and visitors alike with their skills. An ability to chuck a flag in windy weather - emblazoned with the Florentine fleur-de-lis - is essential for the job, while looking good in tights is an added bonus.
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