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chanteuse 女歌星
a female singer
chapeau 遮阳帽
a hat. In French, chapeau is also an expression of congratulations similar to the English "hats off to...."
charg d'affaires 代办公司,临时代办
a diplomat left in charge of day to day business at a diplomatic mission. Within the United States Department of State a charg is any officer left in charge of the mission in the absence of the titular chief of mission.
charlatan 说大话的人,江湖骗子,诈骗者
a person who is a fraud, a fake, a hoaxer, a deceiver, a con artist.
chateaux en Espagne 空中阁楼
literally "castles in Spain"; imaginary projects, with little hope of realisation (means the same as "castles in the air" or "pie in the sky"). No known etymology, though it was already used in the 13th century in the Roman de la rose.
chauffeur 驾驶员
chef d'œuvre 作品
a masterpiece
cherchez la femme 针对一个男子举动出现异常又难以表述缘故,就用这一表述来描述。
"look for the woman", in the sense that, when a man behaves out of character or in an otherwise apparently inexplicable manner, the reason may be found in his trying to cover up an illicit affair with a woman, or to impress or gain favour with a woman. First used by Alexandre Dumas (pre) in the third chapter of his novel Les Mohicans de Paris (1854).
chevalier d'industrie 商业服务骗子公司
"knight of industry" : one who lives by his wits, specially by swindling.
chez 在……家中
at the house of : often used in the names of restaurants and the like; Chez Marie = "Marie's"
chic 现代简约的,流行的,有个性的
chignon 发鬓
a hairstyle worn in a roll at the nape of the neck
cinma vrit 纪实电影
realism in documentary filmmaking
cinq, cinque 五
five; normally referring to the 5 on dice or cards. In French, always spelt cinq.
clich 老一套,老旧的
lit. negative; trite through overuse; a stereotype
clique 私党,流派,阀
a small exclusive group of friends without morale; always used in a pejorative way in French.
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